Football Skills and Tricks in High Definition!

Kaka Video Rating: 4 / 5

26 thoughts on “Football Skills and Tricks in High Definition!

  1. Surfchik17

    So yeah this is a good video … and there very good . but wat there is no girl soccer players as good as them, maybe even better?

  2. commentfightsplease

    @ChicharitoMU14 Yes you can, just download the software youtube downloader for free, and then u can download eveyr single video from youtube 😛


    this is ronaldo and zidane sprinkled in with cristiano, dinho, riquelme, benzema and robinho….fuckin boring yo

  4. walid131

    i think this is the most entertaining football skills video on you tube,,excellent quality,awesome tricks and zizo tricks are more than great,,thanks rifway22

  5. rifway22

    @Cobra11NitroStunter i thought the slow-motion sequence that makes this video good, the rare angles, the one you couldnt catch it on tv, it can also help you to understand the complexity of the skills.

  6. rifway22

    @kdcung what? i thought the slow-motion sequence that makes this video good, the rare angles, the one you couldnt catch it on tv, it can also help you to understand the complexity of the skills.

  7. kdcung

    @rifway22 Make a real-time version for this video. I do not know how to explain clearer to you.